Though moving to a new city or a new home is stressful and tiring, it can also be a really exciting time! Reduce the pain points of moving and make the most of your move with these easy moving tips:

1. Create a Budget and a Plan

Good planning will make things go much smoother on moving day. Most people get anxious and stressed when they don’t have a game plan. A well-planned move starts at least 6-8 weeks in advance. Start by writing out a list of your to-dos and giving yourself a deadline for completing each item. Make sure to consider things like booking a mover or renting a moving truck, enlisting help of friends and family, gathering medical/dental/veterinarian records, switching utilities, and time for packing.

2. Clear out Your Clutter

There is nothing worse than unpacking items that you really don’t really need or have a use for. Prevent this nightmare by sorting through your things before packing, and donate or sell the stuff you don’t need.  Decluttering now will save time and money later.

3. Visit the New Neighborhood

If possible, familiarize yourself and the rest of the family with the new neighborhood prior to moving day. Get to know where places like the closest gas station and grocery store are, and make an attempt to meet your new neighbors. This will make your first week in the new area that much easier.

4. Hire Movers

Though millions of Americans choose the DIY route for moving, you may want to consider hiring movers. Professional movers are trained and well-practiced in moving furniture and other heavy objects, so a moving company will help you avoid injuries or even damage to your things. They’re also good at keeping the moving day schedule on track.

5. Start Early

The actual move may only take a day or two, but it takes weeks of prep work, just like Christmas. Start the packing by securing plenty of boxes and bubble wrap to complete the whole job. You may be able to find used boxes at a local storage facility, or even score free ones from your neighborhood grocer. About a month out, you can start packing seasonal or infrequently used items like holiday decorations and serving platters. By about a week out, you should have almost all of your rooms completely packed.

6. Label Everything

As you pack, keep like items together, to make unpacking easier. It’s ideal to pack room by room, using labels to detail what each box contains. Make sure you also clearly mark boxes with glassware, dishes, and other delicate items as “FRAGILE”, so that anyone handling those box treats them with extra care.

7. Pack a Survival Kit

You’ll want to make sure you pack a bag or box separately from the rest of your things that contains all of your essentials for the first couple days after move-in. This will prevent you from having to tear open every single box looking for what you need on your first night in the new house. Your survival kit should at minimum contain necessary toiletries, chargers, snacks/drinks, medicine, and a change of clothes.

8. Plan for Pets and Kids

On moving day, your house will be buzzing with activity and unfamiliar people. To eliminate the stress of having children and pets underfoot during this chaotic time, make other plans for them. Hire a babysitter or drop them off with friends or family for the day so you can focus on what needs to get done.

9. Be Flexible

Be prepared to be flexible, as things don’t always go as planned during the moving day. The best plan is to start early in the day so you can make necessary adjustments to the schedule without getting stressed out.

10. Take a Break

The whole moving process is very stressful but you also need to find time for yourself. Don’t rush to unpack everything right away. Unpack the necessities first, then gradually work your way through the rest. Order your favorite food, have a drink, turn up the music and be glad it’s all over…until next time.



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